
Propaganda - Affiches de Guerre - Affiches de Paix





> Military posters
> WWI posters
> Switzerland during WWI
> The war economy during WWI
> The League of Nations posters
> Geneva 1932 – The army shoots demonstrators
> 1936 - 1939 Switzerland prepares for war
> WWII posters
> Silence, the enemy is listening to you
> WWII war economy

> Posters for the prevention of venereal diseases
> Refugees
> The atomic bomb
> Revolutionary movements
> United Nations posters
> Posters for peace
> No to the Vietnam War
> Make love not war
> The Civil Service, GSSA, Disarmament

Pour la France, versez votre or

1915 – Abel FAIVRE


The PROPAGANDA exhibition presents posters from both world wars, of armed revolutionary movements and pacificist movements, by way of the atomic bomb, the League of Nations and UN peacekeepers, not forgetting refugee aid and disarmament.

Before 1914, propaganda posters were in general simple printed texts. Illustrated propaganda posters were rare.

The First World War necessitated the mobilization of the population at home to support the war effort and this triggered off an enormous production of propaganda posters.

Walls all over France, England and the United States were covered with posters in the support of the ‘Poilus’, the soldiers at the front. They also advertised the selling of war bonds and demonized the German enemy.

Pour la Liberté du Monde, souscrivez à l'emprunt National à la Banque Nationale de Crédit

1917 – SEM, Georges GOURSAT

CHF 1130.–

Don National Suisse

1918 – Jules COURVOISIER


< A collect in the support of mobilized Swiss soldiers.

> A poster by Emil cardinaux to vote Yes for the Swiss to join the League of Nations.

Oui pour la Société des Nations

1920 – Emil CARDINAUX

CHF 1560.–

The army and its leaders quickly understood the communicative power of the poster and used it as a power tool in the service of their propaganda.

Numerous political groups found that the poster was a economical way of spreading their ideas.

Les alliés briseront La Croix gammée

1944 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1140.–

These graphically powerful posters left a mark on this period and actively participated in political and military history.

They would influence graphic art and communication techniques for the rest of the century.

OSPAAAL, Mois de solidarité avec le peuple de la Corée


CHF 950.–

For the revolution

OSPAAAL, Semaine Internationale de solidarité avec l'Amérique Latine, du 19 au 25 avril

1970 – Asela PEREZ


Empêchons cela, guerre atomique

1954 – Hans ERNI

Against the atomic bomb and star wars

Stop Star Wars, International Organization of Journalists

1987 – Jiří VANĚČEK

CHF 750.–

Enter into history, by way of these propaganda posters, many of which have become icons and witnesses to the upheavals of the 20th century.


The end of the 19th century was a period of peace in Europe. It was a period of the great universal exhibitions and advertising posters. Not surprisingly, military subjects were not very present.

However, even posters representing exhibitions, spectacles, cigarette paper or even Genevan biscuits sometimes made references to war and made allusions to generals such as Napoleon and General Dufour.

Cirque d'Hiver 1814

1900 circa – ANONYMOUS


Soldats! Je ne fume que Le Nil

1900 circa – David DELLEPIANE


Demandez partout le biscuit Général Dufour, manufacture lausannoise des biscuits Vallotton

1900 – Henry-Claudius FORESTIER

CHF 990.–

La Motosacoche

1906 circa – ANONYMOUS


Bicycle, motorbike and car manufacturers sometimes used the image of admiring or satisfied officers to show the solidity of their material. This material was used and approved of by the great powers of the time.

Several diplomas and ‘souvenir lithographies’ make their appearance.

Der Schweizerische Landsturm

1887 – Karl JAUSLIN

CHF 430.–

Guillaume Henri Dufour, Général en chef de l'armée Suisse

1890 circa – Atelier MÜLLER TRÜB

CHF 230.–

Sous les ailes

1912 – Georges SCOTT

CHF 250.–


In Switzerland each male citizen is a soldier. It is a militia army. To keep a high level of training, each citizen-soldier has to attend the shooting range each year. This is obligatory.

Shooting practice was regularly organized over the whole country to maintain the motivation of the population. The ‘Fêtes de Tir Fédéral’ of 1885 in Geneva or 1898 in Neuchâtel was very well attended. These competitions offered huge financial rewards for that time.

Great means were employed in order to promote these patriotic manifestations. These quality posters were designed by well known artists and printed using color lithography on good quality paper.

Switzerland is the only country to have produced such a large amount of military-sport posters.

Tir fédéral de Neuchâtel

1898 – P. BOUVIER

CHF 850.–

Tir Cantonal Bernois, St.Imier 1900

1900 – R. KIENER

CHF 1300.–

Tir cantonal genevois

1902 – Edouard Louis BAUD

CHF 1160.–

Neuchâtel, Tir Cantonal Neuchâtelois du 15 au 24 Juillet 1906


CHF 770.–

Kantonal Schützenfest, Langnau

1906 – Ernst LINCK

CHF 1200.–

Zürcher Kantonal Schützenfest, Rüti

1906 – G. GYSIN

CHF 1130.–

Schützen Fest Laupen

1907 – Emil CARDINAUX

CHF 1430.–

Frauenfeld, Thurg. Kantonal-Schützenfest 1909

1909 – Otto ABRECHT

CHF 1280.–

Fêtes du cinquantenaire, Société fédérale de sous-officiers, Section de Lausanne


CHF 870.–

Tir cantonal du Centenaire, Genève 1814-1914

1914 – Philippe SEREX

CHF 990.–

Thun, Oberland Schützenfest


CHF 1130.–

Porrentruy, 3e tir jurassien 1930

1930 – Willy NICOLET

CHF 900.–

Tir Fédéral Lausanne

1954 – Henri OTT

CHF 320.–

WWI posters

Before 1914, political posters were, in general, simple printed texts. Illustrated political posters were rare.

Pour la France, versez votre or

1915 – Abel FAIVRE


During the First World War, the necessity to motivate the populace at home to support the war effort engendered an enormous production of propoganda posters.

The walls of France, England and America were covered with posters not only to support the men at the front, but also to sell huge loans and demonize the German enemy.

These graphically powerful posters would mark this period and influence graphic design after the war.

The 'Boche'

French propaganda demonized the German soldier and presented the ‘Boche’ as a bloody lawless monster who could not be trusted.

Que veut l'Allemagne?

1918 – PROUVE

CHF 370.–

Le Passé de la Prusse

1918 – PROUVE

CHF 350.–

La Paix de l'Ennemi

1918 – PROUVE

CHF 370.–

Journée de Paris, Appel à la population


CHF 320.–

< Paris' day,
July 14th 1916

A German illustration, showing a 420mm shell in real size, shot by ‘Big Bertha’, which was the biggest gun of the First World War. It shelled Paris. >

Das Geheimnis von Lüttich, Unser Bombenerfolg, Originalgrösse



The WWI war bonds

'Journees du poilu' posters

In support of the ‘poilus’, the mobilized soldiers fighting at the front, France organized huge events to collect funds.

Surprisingly, some of these posters would become visual proof of an under-equipped French army and also of a growing cynicism and incomprehensible scorn towards their own soldiers.

Journée du Poilu 1915

1915 – Theophile Alexandre STEINLEN

CHF 970.–

La journée du Poilu

1915 – J. LONAY


Journée du Poilu, Organisée par le Parlement

1915 – Charles LÉANDRE

CHF 590.–

Journée du Poilu, Enfin seuls, Organisée par le Parlement

1915 – Adolphe Léon WILLETTE


Journée du Poilu, Organisée par le Parlement

1915 – Maurice NEUMONT

CHF 670.–

Support for the Families

Pour l'Orphelin de la Guerre Souscrivons à l'Emprunt

1917 – PROUVE

CHF 370.–

In reply to the general dissatisfaction due to the continuing length of the war, of the shortages and the impoverishment of the population, different loans and campaigns were launched in France to support, soldier’s families, widows and orphans.

Journée nationale des orphelins, Guerre 1914 15 16


CHF 730.–

Journée de l'orphelinat des Armées

1915 – Maurice ROMBERG

CHF 990.–

Vente de Charité organisée au profit de l'Hopital Bénévole

1916 – Theophile Alexandre STEINLEN

CHF 750.–

The End of the War

Le Droit de la Liberté

1918 – Bernard NAUDIN

CHF 290.–

L'Alsace-Lorraine par M. Raymond Poincaré


CHF 480.–

Comment ils écrivent l'histoire

1918 – PROUVE

Alliance Universitaire, Vigilance Souvenir, Libération 1918

1918 – Pierre BOMPARD

CHF 330.–

Voici l'heure de la Justice et de la Victoire! Nos héroïques soldats et leurs frères d'armes... ont rendu Strasbourg à la France!

1918 circa – HANSI




Switzerland was spared the war, but its troops were nevertheless mobilized around its frontiers.

Diverse solidarity movements were founded to support the soldiers and their families and poster campaigns were launched.

The most well known poster is certainly that of Jules Courvoiser which represents a soldier returning home, having thrown his rucksack and gun on the floor and kissing his child. This poster, for the ‘National Fund for our soldiers and their Families’, was printed in thousands of examples, in 2 sizes and in 3 national languages.

Don national Suisse

1918 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 890.–

Schweizerische Nationalspende für unsere soldaten und ihre familien

1918 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 240.–

Dono Nazionale Svizzera peri nostri soldati e le loro famiglie

1918 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 240.–

Don National Suisse

1918 – Jules COURVOISIER


Several diplomas and lithographic momentos of the mobilization, a ‘recompense’ for their service under the flag.

Aux armes, souvenir historique de la mobilisation

1916 circa – V. Rasmussen


La Critique Militaire

1914 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 220.–

Diplôme, Société d'Artillerie de Lausanne

1920 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 50.–

Société Militaire, Exposition d'Estampes

1917 – Henry-Claudius FORESTIER

CHF 470.–

Exhibitions and great historic events which exalted the bravery of ‘our ancestors’ were organized to support the country’s mobilization.

Anniversaire de la mobilisation 1914-1924

1924 – Henri LOUTAN

CHF 430.–

Schweiz Verband Soldatenwohl

1914 – Wilhelm Friedrich BURGER

CHF 930.–

< ‘The soldier’s house’, (‘Schweizer Verband Soldatenwohl’) was founded in 1914 by Else Züblin-Spiller as a non-profit organisation. Its objective was to provide Swiss soldiers with cheap healthy food and give them a place to rest where alcohol was forbidden.

> The Blue Cross helped Swiss soldiers by installing writing and reading rooms without alcohol.

Salle de correspondance et de lecture pour militaires

1915 circa – Wilhelm Friedrich BURGER


Journées Suisses des SousOfficiers à Zoug

1925 – Martin PEIKERT

CHF 940.–


In Switzerland, the chocolate industry developed rapidly during the war. In fact the army loved this practical food which was rich in calories. The public readily sent lots of it to their soldiers.

For the Swiss National Exhibition at Berne in 1914, the chocolate manufacturers, Cailler, Peter and Kohler, sent a free bar of chocolate to each mobilized soldier.

In 1916 these companies edited a series of lithographies on the ‘MOB’, the mobilization of the Swiss army.

Mobilisation 1914, Chocolats Peter Cailler Kohler

1916 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 870.–

Swiss military aviation was created in 1913. The planes and their pilots were mobilized at the beginning of the war for reconnaissance missions.

Chocolat Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Mobilisation 1914, Etat Major

1916 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 250.–

Chocolat Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Mobilisation 1914, Génie militaire

1916 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 250.–

Chocolat Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Mobilisation 1914, Infanterie

1916 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 250.–

Chocolat Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Mobilisation 1914, Cavalerie

1916 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 250.–

Chocolats Peter, Cailler, Kohler - Mobilisation 1914, Artillerie de montagne

1916 – Jules COURVOISIER


Chocolat Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Mobilisation 1914, Artillerie

1916 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 250.–

This was the first of several campaigns to win the loyalty of customers by the chocolate manufacturer, Peter Cailler Kholer. These great lithographs were collected by consumers in exchange for a certain number the maker's wrappers.

Souvenir de l'occupation des frontières 1914 - 1915

1915 circa – Jules COURVOISIER


The war economy during WWI

The prolonged war would profoundly alter the economy and transform society.
Factories adapted their production to strengthen the war industry and supply the troops with arms and munitions.

In the countryside, women took the place of men who had left for the front.

Numerous posters encouraged people to accept hardship and produce more.

Il faut Produire!

1918 – PROUVE

CHF 350.–

Semez des Pommes de terre, Pour les Soldats, Pour la France

1917 circa – G. HAUTOT

CHF 490.–

Le Laboratoire, l'Usine, la Guerre

1918 – PROUVE

CHF 390.–

Hygiène de Guerre

1918 – PROUVE

CHF 390.–

Au Plus économe la Victoire

1918 – PROUVE

CHF 370.–

Qui calcule prévoit. Qui prévoit souscrit à l'emprunt.

1917 – PROUVE

CHF 390.–

Rationing policies were introduced for scarce or imported foodstuffs, such as meat and sugar.

In 1916, the Comité National Français de Prévoyance et d'Économies organised a major drawing competition in French schools on the themes of increasing agricultural production and saving money.

The best entries were printed as posters and distributed throughout France.

Mangez Moins de Viande, Pour Ménager notre Cheptel

1916 – Marthe PICARD


Avec la carte - nous en aurons peu - mais nous en aurons tous Casse aujourd'hui ton sucre en deux pour en avoir demain?

1916 – Yvonne COLAS

CHF 430.–

Je suis une brave poule de guerre, je mange peu et produis beaucoup, Soignons la basse-cour

1916 circa – G. DOUANNE


Ne pas gaspiller le pain est notre devoir

1916 – S. VINCENT


Semez du Blé, C'est de l'or pour la France

1918 – Suzanne FERRAND

CHF 470.–

Nous saurons nous en priver

1916 – Camille BOUTET

CHF 470.–

Français, Économisez le Gaz


CHF 470.–


During the four years of war, food prices more than doubled in Switzerland. The price of meat even quadrupled.
Soldiers who were mobilised did not receive their wages and the majority of the population became impoverished.

Commune de Vernier, 2e distribution de Sucre pour Confitures


CHF 240.–

In Switzerland during the 1st World War, a rationing system was set up, with cards entitling people to certain quantities of vital products. Distributions were then organised in the communes.

Commune de Vernier, Renouvellement des cartes de Pain et de Graisse


CHF 240.–

Commune de Vernier, Distribution des Cartes de Pain, de Graisse et de Lait


CHF 240.–

Commune de Vernier, Distribution des Cartes de Pain, de Graisse Lait et de Fromage


CHF 240.–

Commune de Vernier, Distrivution des Cartes de Pain, Graisse Lait et Fromage


CHF 240.–

Bread card, fat card, cheese card, sugar card, rice or pasta card, potato card (65 kg from the 1916 harvest).

These ration cards are distributed to everyone and provide access to the bare minimum.

Rationierungskarten im Kriege 1914-1919

1919 circa – ANONYMOUS


These two lithographs printed at the end of the war show the various ration cards with their coupons, as well as information tables on the war economy.

Confédération helvétique, Guerre mondiale et ses effets sur notre vie économique

1919 – Th. RENTSCH

CHF 430.–



An anarchist typographer from Tessin, Luigi Bertoni, animated the ‘Reveil Anarchiste’, (‘Il Risveglio Anarchico’ in Italian, ‘The Anarchist’s Awakening’ in English). A two-weekly anarchist publication, published in Geneva in two languages from 1900 to 1946.

A militant trade unionist, anarchist, writer and editor, Luigi Bertoni was also a fervent opponent of Benito Mussolini.

He published several revolutionary and anarchist lithographies.

Si Vis Pacem…

1916 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 690.–

‘If you want peace…’ In this lithography the people, led by a pacificist revolution, mingle with soldiers and hold broken guns towards the frightened powerful – a king, the pope, politicians and army officers.

In the background blood flows out of the, Krupp, Schneider, Simpson and Neumann armament factories.


A national vote took place in 1920 to decide if Switzerland could join the League of Nations, which had just been founded in Geneva.

Oui pour la Société des Nations

1920 – Emil CARDINAUX

CHF 1560.–

The people accepted to become a member with a majority of 56%.

Two magnificent posters by Emil Cardinaux and Jules Courvoisier in the style of the painter Ferdinand Hodler.

Peuple Suisse pour travailler avec eux, entre dans la Société des Nations, c'est ton devoir!

1920 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 1140.–


Following the battle of Solferino, the 17 February 1863, five people, among them Henri Dunant and the general Henri Dufour, founded the ‘International Committee for Helping the Injured’, in Geneva. This would later become the ‘International Committee of the Red Cross’, the seat of which remained in Geneva.

Journée du poilu organisée par le Parlement

1915 – Francisque POULBOT

CHF 830.–

During the First World War, the Red Cross helped many of the wounded, prisoners and refugees.

The French Red Cross printed posters in order to collect funds. That of Francisque Poulbot in which two children are collecting money so that ‘Can Daddy go on leave, please’, was one of the most well known of this tragic period.

Le vêtement du prisonnier de guerre

1916 circa – Jean-Louis FORAIN

CHF 620.–

The Red Cross also brought its help to soldiers and the needy population during the Second World War.

La Croix Rouge Française

1943 – LEONOEL

CHF 670.–


Bazar zu gunsten der Krankenpflege im schmiedenhof

1909 – Burkhard MANGOLD

CHF 850.–

In accordance with the Swiss humanitarian tradition, each year the Red Cross launched fund raising.

Bazar zu gunsten der Jugend für Sorge, Basel

1909 – Burkhard MANGOLD

CHF 950.–

Helft helfen! Internationales Komitee vom Roten Kreuz

1961 – Marcus CAMPBELL

CHF 730.–

Genève, Exposition Internationale de la Croix Rouge

1963 – Michel GALLAY

CHF 440.–

Internationales Komitee vom Roten Kreuz, Kollekte 1964

1964 – Marcus CAMPBELL

CHF 980.–

Croix Rouge, 100 Jahre im Dienste der Menschligkeit

1963 – Hans ERNI

CHF 870.–

For the centenary of the foundation of the Red Cross, Hans Erni designed the celebrated ‘Mother breast-feeding her child’. This image was printed in a large size and in a limited edition, sometimes signed and numbered.

La Croix Rouge, 100 ans au service de l'humanité

1963 – Hans ERNI

CHF 770.–



The 9th of November 1932, at 9.34pm, Swiss recruits opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators in Geneva - 13 dead and 65 injured.


On the 5th of November, a small poster for the National Union was pasted around the streets of Geneva. Georges Oltramar, founder of the National Union, called on his followers to, ‘Put on trial Mrs Nicole and Dicker’. Leon Nicole and Jacques Dicker were both socialist deputies. Partisans were called to meet in the communal hall at Plainpalais.

The left and the far left immediately called for a counter-demonstration. The Genevan government was apprehensive and afraid of not being able to control the situation, Frédérique Martin, president of the cantonal government, called the army to help maintain order.

The order was given for a school of Lausanne recruits to come to Geneva. The young soldiers were told that a ‘revolution had broken out in Geneva’ and they received weapons of war. It was the beginning of a chain of events that, because of the inexperience of the recruits to keep order in crowd situations and the incompetence of the officers, would end in drama.

Casque d'un soldat, suite à la manifestation du 9 Novembre 1932

1932 – Max KETTEL

On the evening of the 9th of November while the partisans of Géo Oltramare were entrenched in the communal hall, the recruits were sent in single file into the middle of the demonstrators. The crowd asked some Swiss German speaking recruits, who, not understanding the development of events, to join them and shoot at their own officers. Some recruits were molested and disarmed. Their guns were broken and their helmets were split open on the ground.

Fusil brisé lors de la manifestation du 9 novembre 1932

1932 – Max KETTEL

Pressed against the wall of the Palais des Expositions, the officer in charge gave the order to fire one shot. In 13 seconds 137 shots were fired. Outcome, 13 dead and 65 injured.

Contre la Révolution, Electeur ! souviens-toi du 9 novembre, Vote pour Fr. Martin

1933 – Noel FONTANET

CHF 1470.–

An historic poster to renew the election of Frédérique Martin to the ‘Conseil d’Etat’, (the Geneva senate), and who on the 9th of November called on the army for help.
To illustrate this poster, ‘Against the revolution…’, Noel Fontanet, a Genevan graphic designer, the most striking of the period and totally anti communist, represents demonstrators striking a poor disarmed soldier. Even though it had been established that no soldier had been seriously injured. His split helmet was exactly the same that had been photographed by Max Kettel such was the publicity in the press at that time.

Even today these events have been subject to diverse interpretation, depending on the political position. Nevertheless the fact is, the Swiss militia fired on its own population.

Its people had fired on its own people !

This tragic episode, revealed the economic and social climate that stemmed from the crisis and the exasperating tensions at the time between the right and the left. All this would have numerous electoral consequences and consequences for the army.

> More on 'L'Union Nationale' and anti-communist posters.


Ceux de 1914 passent la consigne, OUI

1935 – MEYLAN

CHF 590.–

After the Nazis took power in 1933, Switzerland prepared its military and civil defence in face of the risk of conflict.

Manifestation Sportive du 1er corps d'armée, Démonstrations de combat

1940 – Robert LIPS

CHF 490.–

In 1936 and in reply to the threat of war, the Swiss parliament adopted an armament programme worth 235 million francs.

Scützet die heimat, Zeichnet Wehranleihe

1936 – Charles L'EPLATTENIER

CHF 950.–

To finance it, the Conseil Fédéral brought out a a large ‘loan for national defence’ sustained by an important amount of patriotic propaganda.

Numerous posters designed by Charles L’Eplattenier were put up all over the country. The loan finally amounted to 335 million.

Protégez le Pays, Emprunt pour la Défense Nationale

1936 – Charles L'EPLATTENIER


1937 The Big Air Show in Dubendorf

Zürich, 4ème Meeting Aéronautique International à Zürich, 1937

1937 – Otto BAUMBERGER


While the air show was taking place the Swiss armed forces realised the vast superiority of the Messerschmitt 109 over the other aircraft present.

The army chose this plane above the others and ordered 10 of them.

Between 1939 and 1940 Switzerland bought over one hundred Messerschmitt 109’s from Germany.

Bex, Internat. Flugmeeting August 83

1983 – B.G. DE

CHF 470.–

Pro Aero, Fördert die Nationale LuftFahrt !

1938 – Otto BAUMBERGER

CHF 1190.–

In 1938 a national collection was launched to support the Swiss air-force and the formation of its pilots.

Pro Aero, Soutenez l'Aéronautique Nationale!

1938 – Otto BAUMBERGER


WWII posters

The Vichy government implimented its propaganda by organising commemorations and patriotic events.

Révolution Nationale

1940 – Ph. H NOYER

CHF 220.–

Célébrer la fête de la Rénovation Française

1941 – Gaston GORDE


Contre le Communisme, Milice Française

1943 – ERIC


Works Camps

During the invasion of France in 1940 German troops captured 1,845,000 French prisoners of war. These were interned in camps called work camps.

In 1942 the Vichy government tried out a political manoeuver called ‘the relief’. Certain posters asked the French to voluntarily go and work in Germany in exchange for the liberation of French prisoners. So 250,000 French volunteers worked in Germany and 200,000 prisoners were ‘transformed’ into civil workers, even if they stayed in Germany.

Vous avez la clef des camps, Travailleurs français

1942 circa – Eric CASTEL


En travaillant en Allemagne, Qualité française

1942 circa – Eric CASTEL


N'oublions pas les travailleurs déportés en Allemagne, Adhérez à la fédération des déportés du travail

1942 circa – Roger LEVASSEUR


The Allies

America calling, take your place in civilian defense

1941 – Herbert MATTER

CHF 1450.–

Two French artists who immigrated to the United States, Herbert Matter and Jean Carlu designed posters which would become icons in the Allies fight against the Nazis.

Entre le Marteau et l'enclume

1944 – Jean CARLU


The Allies broke the swastika and the French flag covered it over.

Les alliés briseront La Croix gammée

1944 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1140.–

Two anonymous icons of the liberation of Paris in 1944.

France Croix Gammée

1944 circa – ANONYMOUS



All the belligerents spread numerous posters to incite the public and soldiers on leave, to be careful about what they discussed.

In wartime all information could become strategic, indicating military movements or installations. ‘Shadows are watching and listening’.

Some of these ‘anti-spy’ posters have become icons in the history of the 20th century.

Silence, l'Ennemi guette vos confidences

1940 – Paul COLIN


The iconic poster by Paul Colin, ‘Silence, the enemy is looking out for your secrets’, before the invasion of France in 1940.

The german fled, the spy stays!"

Taisez vous... L'allemand a fui, L'espion reste!

1945 – M. MALLET


Commandement de l'armée (Silence, on vous écoute)

1940 circa – SEILER


The well known poster ‘Silence, they are listening’, printed by order of the Swiss army.

"The Enemy is listening, He wants to know what you know, Keep it to yourself"
US government poster, 1942

The Enemy is listening, He wants to know what you know, Keep it to yourself


Pst ! Feind hört mit !

Pst means ‘sush’ or ‘silence' in German, ‘the enemy is listening’.

Three posters for the well known German anti-spying campaign called ‘Shadow’ Campaign from 1944. This campaign was approved by Goebbels in 1943 and a dozen different posters were printed.

Pst, Feind hört mit ! Die vierte Gruppe macht jetzt

1944 – STAHL

CHF 1530.–

Weiter westlich steht, Feind hört mit

1944 – STAHL

CHF 1530.–




Switzerland during WWII

Henri Guisan, Général commandant en chef de l'armée suisse

1940 circa – JOUGH


On the 30th of August 1939 the Federal Assembly elected Henri Guisan as the commanding general of the Swiss army.

Switzerland stayed out of the war and was not invaded by the Germans. But it was completely encircled by the Axis forces.

This encirclement would reinforce its spirit of independence and resistance, which would perpetuate after the war as Swiss neutrality, the vision of a strong army and a subsidized agriculture capable of feeding the country and making it self-sufficient.

Le monde est en feu

1942 – Noel FONTANET

CHF 990.–

'The World is on fire'
Posters from 1942 designed by Noel Fontanet against the initiative for the election of the Conseil Fédéral by the people and for an increase in the number of Conseillers Fédéraux from 7 to 9.

On this poster the artist used the image of Switzerland encircled by flames to incite the citizens to vote NO.

Die Welt ist in Brand, erschwere nicht noch mehr die aufgabe der landesbehörden, Nein

1942 – Noel FONTANET

CHF 990.–

1941 – the 650th anniversary of the Confederation

Encircled, Switzerland celebrated the 650th anniversary of the Confederation of Helvetia against a background of fear.

The figure of William Tell, a symbol of resistance and independence became more popular.

650ème Anniversaire de la Confédération - Guillaune Tell

1941 – Edouard ELZINGRE

CHF 790.–

< The opera 'William Tell' by Rossini, which included 500 participants and was directed by Ernst Ansermet, was performed in open air, in the summer of 1941 in front of the Genevan public.

Les 650 ans de la Confédération

1941 – Charles L'EPLATTENIER

CHF 730.–

Comme en 1291, la Suisse est devant son destin

1941 – Noel FONTANET

CHF 200.–

A poster for the 'The Destiny of Switzerland' conference by Gonzague de Reynold, which underlined the ambiguity of this right winger, admirer of Mussolini and at the same time a patriot, worried for the independence of his country.

Alhambra, Soirée de Gala au bénéfice des fonds de secours des troupes genevoises

1940 circa – L. GOERG

CHF 630.–

< 'For our soldiers, for their families and for the repatriates.' A gala evening at the Alhambra in Geneva.

> A poster for the 5th Swiss Army Championship of 1941.

Basel, 5 Schweizerische Armee Meisterschaften 1941

1941 – Rick NUMA

CHF 500.–

The Swiss Poster Award

Under the impetus of the Conseil Federal, the Federal poster prize was created in 1941 to help the Swiss economy, by covering its city walls with beautiful posters in order to boost moral.

Due to this decision, unique in the Occident, the Swiss graphic tradition persisted during the war years. Since 1945, the Swiss graphic industry was not only preserved but experienced a positive expansion which also helped to renew the economy.

> More on the Swiss Poster Award

WWII war economy

The Wahlen Plan

Before the war, more than half of all foodstuff consumed in Switzerland was imported. From 1935 Friedrich Traugott Wahlen, agronomist and Swiss politician, perfected a plan to make the country self efficient in foodstuff in case of an eventual embargo.

In 1940 Switzerland was encircled by the Axis forces and the ‘Wahlen plan’, or the ‘battle of the fields’ was put into action.

Jeunes gens! Votre relève ! Engagez-vous pour la bataille des champs

1943 – Noel FONTANET

CHF 990.–

This plan consisted in lowering the production of meat and to concentrate on the production of potatoes, fruit and vegetables. All vacant fields were transformed into agricultural land including certain parks and sports grounds in the bigger cities. Hence the agricultural land was doubled.The population which was not mobilized - women, school children and the elderly, were invited to work in the fields to ensure the self sufficiency of the country.

Even if the need to be self sufficient was not total as importation had never completely stopped, the plan was a success.

Switzerland was the only country in Europe to be totally provided for in fruit, vegetables and potatoes of which the production had doubled.

This productivist and patriotic surge strengthened the country in adversity and became a myth of the culture of resistance and independence of the Swiss people.

Halte! Ne jetez rien! Il faut conserver les déchets et rebuts!



During the war the public was encouraged to recuperate and recycle waste to help the war effort.

Aide à procurer du pain et du travail en donnant tes métaux



Arbeit und Brot

1942 – Ernst KELLER

CHF 720.–

< 1942 beginning of the campaign to recuperate and recycle waste to give work and bread.

> 1943, 'Work and bread, visit the great spectacle for the war economy.’

Arbeit und Brot, sonderschau für KriegWirtschaft, Mustermesse Basel

1943 – Richard Paul LOHSE

CHF 930.–

After the war Switzerland would continue to heavily subsidize its agriculture to ensure the self sufficiency of the country in case of a conflict, but always with neutrality, independence and resistance in mind.

France had also campaigns to recuperate and recycle copper and other metals to help the industry.

Apportez votre cuivre

1943 – René LETOURNEUR

CHF 430.–

First year of Recovery Plan, Première année du Plan de Relèvement

1948 circa – S. YANNOULIS


In 1948 the Marshall Plan was launched to rebuild the European economy which had been destroyed by war.

A poster promoting the plan to rebuild Greece.


VD Delayed, Venereal disease

1946 – Franz Oswald SCHIFFERS

CHF 570.–

< A GI soldier chained to a giant ‘VD’ and kept well away from the city of New York.

> Another GI is struck by the illness like lightening.

Two American posters for the prevention of venereal diseases, ‘VD’ in English.

After the war the American soldiers that had been infected with a venereal disease could not immediately return home, but had to wait in quarantine until they were cured.

VD, Take Care, Venereal disease

1946 – Franz Oswald SCHIFFERS

CHF 530.–


L'Accueil de la Suisse aux Rapatriés

1918 – PROUVE

CHF 370.–

From the Autumn of 1914 until the end of the war in 1918, faithful to its humanitarian tradition, Switzerland welcomed the ‘repatriate trains’.

Around 500,000 French civilians were expulsed by the Germans from the north eastern occupied regions and transited through Switzerland to be repatriated in France.

Kriegs Winterhilfe 1941

1941 – Paul JACOPIN

CHF 730.–

The Swiss position as regards to the war refugees is controversial. Many Jewish refugee families were sent back to the border, up to 3000 according to today's estimates, but at the same time 300,000 refugees in total travelled through Switzerland from the time when the Nazis took power in 1933.

Schweizer Auslandhilfe früher Europahilfe

1959 – Celestino PIATTI

CHF 530.–

UNHCR, A voice for the voiceless

1975 circa – Mohamed WALIED KALIFA


The UNHCR, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, was founded in 1950 and since then has its seat in Geneva.

UNHCR 1951-1991

1991 – Jean-Michel FOLON

CHF 280.–

UNHCR, Einstein was a Refugee, A bundle of belongings isn't the only thing a refugee brings to his new country

1991 circa – BETTMAN


> We can be a genius and also a refugee. Einstein was a refugee.

UNHCR, Einstein était un réfugié, On peut être génial et réfugié

1991 circa – BETTMAN

CHF 195.–

Les Réfugiés, Concours BD, Marignac, Papiers Gras, St Gervais

1988 circa – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER

CHF 440.–

A poster by EXEM and another by ZEP to welcome refugees and asylum seekers.

Les anciens requérants d'asile attendent un geste de notre part, Action Parrainage de Requérants d'Asile

2000 – ZEP

CHF 350.–

Droit et sécurité aussi pour les réfugiés, Démantèlement du droit d'asile, Deux fois non le 13 Juin

1999 – Albin CHRISTEN

CHF 250.–

< A Swiss poster for the defence of refugees.

> A poster for the CIREFCA, the International Conference for Central American Refugees in Guatemala, 1989.

CIREFCA, Conférence Internationale sur les réfugiés centraméricains


CHF 270.–



The URSS printed many posters in celebration of its glorious Red Army which had defeated the Nazis.

It is often presented as the guardian of peace and protector of patriotism.


1983 – V. FEKPKHEV

CHF 370.–

< The Red Army is the patriotic shield.

> 1944 – 1984 The 40th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Lenningrad.



CHF 240.–

Winged Defenders, The movie



< The Allied defenders.

> Feel strength of honor for the Soviet warrior.



CHF 430.–

In 1947, the world was separated into two influential blocs – the Allies of the occident under the American leadership as opposed to the Eastern bloc lead by the soviets.

The Berlin Wall built in 1961 became the symbol of this division.

It’s the Cold War.


From 1945 several countries began the race for the atomic bomb, even Switzerland !

Empêchons cela, guerre atomique

1954 – Hans ERNI

In 1954 Hans Erni designed one of his best posters for the Swiss Peace Movement.

This poster was printed in French, German and Italian and put up all over Switzerland.

On the 26th of May 1963 the Swiss people refused the initiative on, ‘The right of the people to decide Swiss Army equipement and the use of atomic arms’.

Atomkrieg Nein

1954 – Hans ERNI


General Dynamics, USS Nautilus

1955 – Erik NITSCHE

The Nautilus, the first nuclear powered submarine launched on the 20th of January 1955.

Using the logic of the Cold War, this poster presents 'General Dynamics’ attempt to build a nuclear powered strategic bomber, capable of staying in flight for over several weeks!

General Dynamics, Atome im dienste des Friedens, aerodynamics

1955 – Erik NITSCHE

CHF 1260.–


Atoms for the Service of Peace

The first international conference on the use of atomic energy for pacific means took place at the seat of the United Nations in Geneva from the 8th until the 20th of August 1955.

L'atome pour la Paix

1955 – Georges CALAME


All aspects of atomic energy were discussed at this conference, from the exploitation of minerals in nuclear power stations, to university and medical research.

The result of this conference permitted the creation, in 1956 of the International Agency for Atomic Energy, (AIEA –IAEA) which would be ratified by almost all states during the 2nd conference in 1958.

> Read all of the story on the posters of Erik Nitsche for General Dynamics.

General Dynamics, L'atome au service de la paix, hydrodynamics

1955 – Erik NITSCHE

CHF 2670.–


General Dynamics, Atoms for peace

1955 – Erik NITSCHE

CHF 2490.–


General Dynamics, Атомы на служнбе мира, Astrodynamics, Atoms for peace

1955 – Erik NITSCHE

CHF 1960.–


The korean War ended with an armistice on the 27th of July 1953. But to this day peace still has not been signed.

Tensions between North Korea and its ally China on one side, and on the other side of the 38th parallel, South Korea and the United States, have never ceased.

OSPAAAL, Mois de solidarité avec le peuple de la Corée


CHF 950.–

< A poster by OSPAAAL to encourage the ‘brave’ North Korean soldiers who will hunt the Americans.

> A Chinese military propaganda poster.

Soyons toujours prêts à anéantir les ennemis intrus!

1950 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 930.–

The OSPAAAL, ‘The organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America’, is a Cuban government organization which combats imperialism and capitalism and defends human rights.

It organized international conferences and has printed many posters in the support of revolutionary movements.

Central and South American countries were conflict zones between the Americans and the guerilla revolutionary movements supported by Cuba and the USSR.

OSPAAAL, Journée de Solidarité avec le peuple du Venezuela le 21 novembre

1969 – Faustino PÉREZ

CHF 630.–

Paz si chantajes NO, Solidaridad con Nicaragua


CHF 440.–

OSPAAAL, Semaine Internationale de solidarité avec l'Amérique Latine, du 19 au 25 avril

1970 – Asela PEREZ


OSPAAAL, Polisario, 5ème anniversaire

1981 – Rafael MORANTE

CHF 430.–

< In southern Morocco and occidental Saraha, the Polissario, supported by Algeria and the communist bloc, claims independence.

> From 1980, the ‘Shining Path’ fought a revolutionary war against the Peruvian government.

Année de solidarité internationale avec la guerre populaire au Perou, Yankee Go Home, Mouvement Révolutionnaire Internationaliste


CHF 430.–


"Levez-vous pour la Palestine" Syndicat des étudiants palestiniens

1970 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 450.–

Posters that support the people of Palestine and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Oui à l'état démocratique palestinien

1970 circa – FATEH


Rare historic document from the Baader Meinhof Gang, the Red Army faction, (Rote Armee Facktion, RAF in German).

A poster from the German extreme left which expresses its support of 2 representatives of the PLO who were eliminated by the MOSSAD.

Der Zionistische terror wird die Revolution nicht aufhalten


‘Sionist terror will not stop the revolution’. (poster quote)

‘The martyr Mahmud Al Hamschari, the representative of the PLO in Paris, hurt during an explosion in his house the 8th of December 1972, died of his wounds the 9th of January 1973’. (poster quote)

‘The martyr Wael Zu’etter, representative of the PLO in Rome, assassinated in his house the 16th of October 1972 by a Zionist terrorist gang’. (poster quote)

These two PLO leaders were considered by the MOSSAD to have participated in the hostage crisis at the Munich Olympic Games in 1972 which ended in the assination of 11 members of the Israel Olympic team. The responsability of which was contested at the time by the German extreme left and the PLO.

OSPAAAL, Solidarité internationale avec la lutte du peuple libanais

1982 – Alberto BLANCO


In the conflict between Israel and some Arab countries, Lebanon was also touched by the war.

A poster for OSPAAAL which represents a guerilla fighter printed over the image of a Lebanese cedar tree.


After the German defeat in 1945, the United Nations was founded. Flags of all nations fly over the UNO buildings in Geneva.

Nations Unies

1947 – Henri EVELEIGH


From its creation on the 24th of October 1945, the United Nations Organisation, UNO, reused the imagery of a multitude of flags which had been used by the Allies since 1942.

United Nations Day, October 24

1950 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 470.–

Although the city of Geneva had been chosen as one of two seats of the UNO, the other being New York, in 1945 Switzerland refused to become a member, cooled by the disappointing performance of the late League of Nations.

As often happens in Switzerland a social or political advance needs to be taken several times to the vote to be finally accepted.

In 1986, ¾ of voters refused to join.

ONU Non, jeunesse de Vigilance

1986 – Pierre-André JACOT

CHF 290.–

Non à l'adhésion à l'ONU, Pour une Suisse Libre et Indépendante, UDC

1986 – P. Keller


NON à l'adhésion de la Suisse à l'ONU, Sauvegardons une neutralité sans servitude

1986 – Pierre-André JACOT

CHF 350.–

OUI, aux Casques Bleus, La Suisse doit participer, Parti Radical genevois


CHF 460.–

1994, the vote on the creation of Swiss peacekeepers was refused by voters.

Non aux casques bleus, paralysés par l'impuissance de l'ONU

1994 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 320.–

It was only in 2002 when the vote was accepted by 55% of the voters that Switzerland would become the 190th state member of the UNO.

The campaign was virulent. The extreme right argued it was a loss of sovereignty and independence and that there was a risk that Swiss soldiers would be sent on foreign missions, violating its neutrality.

Non jamais ça, Restons indépendants et souverains dans notre pays

2001 – Pierre-André JACOT

CHF 270.–

ONU NON à cette fausse démocratie, Dictature des 5 Grands, Soumission de 184 petits, l'Équipe

2002 – Pierre-André JACOT

CHF 250.–

Non, Jamais ça, Pas d'aventures guerrières pour la Suisse

2001 – Pierre-André JACOT

CHF 240.–


During most of the 20th century, pacifist movements opposed war and politically motivated armament.

Peuple Suisse pour travailler avec eux, entre dans la Société des Nations, c'est ton devoir!

1920 – Jules COURVOISIER

CHF 1140.–

‘They will beat their swords into plowshares’

written on this poster of 1920 for the adhesion of Switzerland to the SDN, (the League of Nations).

Superb photo-montage by Jean Carlu for disarmament and against the war in Spain.

Pour le Désarmement

1932 – Jean CARLU


Congrès mondial des partisans de la paix, Paris 1949

1949 – Pablo PICASSO (after)


At the end of the war, the dove of peace was reused by numerous artists and graphic artists beginning with Picasso in his poster for the Peace Congress of 1949.

Congrès Mondial des Partisans de la Paix

1949 – Pablo PICASSO (after)

CHF 930.–

In the 1970’s and 80’s the Cold War was at its height. The Russians and Americans produced hundreds of missiles charged with nuclear warheads capable of destroying the planet many times over.

In the Occident numerous protest movements organized public protests against these arms.

Au nom de la paix et du progrès social


CHF 360.–

Without fear of contradiction, Soviet propaganda also spoke of peace in its posters against a military background.

Slogans such as, ‘The red army guarantees peace’, were frequent.

< The congress, ‘In the name of peace and social progress’, was presided by Leonid Brezhnev, the general secretary of the Communist party in the URSS.

Against Star wars

Zakázat Militarizáciu Kozmického Priestoru

1983 circa – Jaroslav KODEJŠ

CHF 450.–

< ‘We forbid the militarization of space’. A Czechoslovakian poster against intercontinental missiles and against ‘Star wars’, the defense programme called IDS launched in 1983 by Ronald Regan.

> ‘Peace will win the war!’ A camarade, haloed by a dove, breaks missiles.


1985 – Filip ZDENEK

CHF 440.–

Stop Star Wars, International Organization of Journalists

1987 – Jiří VANĚČEK

CHF 750.–


In the USA, the massive engagement if the Americans in 1965 in the Vietnam War provoked numerous oppositions.


1966 – Milton GLASER


This was the period of ‘Flower Power’ and the protest songs of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan. Hugh public opposition and manifestations were organized in the USA in order to stop the war.

In reference to the Bible, and to the covenant offered by God to Noah, the rainbow is a symbol of peace.
The rainbow flag became a standard for the pacifist struggle and a symbol for harmony in life and nature. It was used by the Hippy Movement with their love of fantastical color, by the Rainbow Family and later by the New Age Movement.

This war killed 58,000 GI’s and millions of people in Vietnam.

War is good business, invest your son

1969 – Raoul BARMAN


Cry Freedom

1967 – SP/4 VIETNAM



1985 – H. GOLD


Diverse movements from the European far left supported the FNL (Front National de Liberation), and ‘the exemplary fight of the Vietnamese people’

Un mois d'action pour le 21 Février, Vive la victorieuse guerre du peuple vietnamien, FNL vaincra !

1970 circa – ANONYMOUS


Johnson e' ora di lasciare il Vietnam, P.C.I.

1970 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 490.–

Vietnam, L'Italia con "L'Altra America"

1970 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 330.–


The Doors, Chuck Berry, 6 Days of Sound at Fillmore

1967 – Graham MACLEAN


Two psychedelic postcards for concerts in San Francisco, which have the famous hippy symbol of peace and non-violence.

Grateful Dead at Fillmore

1966 – Wes WILSON


Peace, Make Love not War

1970 circa – William WEEGE


< A Californian pacifist poster during the Vietnam war with Charlie Chaplin as anti-hero.

> 'Make fun, not war' Excellent slogan on the advertising slips for the satyrical newspaper ‘La Pilule’ (‘The Pill’).

La Pilule, Faites de l'humour pas la guerre

1975 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 190.–

Le "Petit livre vert-de-gris" ne passera pas!

1973 – ERK

CHF 390.–


1984 saw the first votation, ‘for an authentic civil service based on proof by act’. This initiative was rejected 63.8% of the voters.

The civil service was finally accepted on the 17th of May 1992 by 82.5% for the yes. Military conscription is obligatory for young Swiss men over the age of 18. Conscientious objectors and those who are exempt due to medical reasons, are forced to replace their period in the armed forces by working in the civil service.

Non au service civil

1984 – Pierre-André JACOT

CHF 670.–

A poster by ‘Tell’ Jacot against the civil service.

Oui Service Civil, Un pays de liberté n'emprisonne pas ses fils

1992 – Pierre NEUMANN

For the civil service and conscientious objectors.


1980 circa – ANONYMOUS

CHF 430.–

GSSA, for a switzerland without an army

The GSSA, ‘Group for a Switzerland without an army’, launched several initiatives against the Swiss army and against buying war planes.

Si elle passe, je l'enlève, initiative pour une Suisse Sans Armée

1989 – Claude STUDER

CHF 420.–

The popular initiative, ‘for a Switzerland without an army and for the global politics of peace’, was a popular Swiss federal initiative which was rejected by the people and the cantons on the 26th of November 1989.

Ceci n'est pas une fatalité, Militarisme et société, Une Suisse sans arme, pourquoi pas

1989 – BORCIC

CHF 470.–

Une Suisse sans défense? NON

1989 – UBU

CHF 70.–

This referendum provoked a strong reaction from the right.

Non à la trahison, Non à une suisse sans armée

1989 – Pierre-André JACOT

CHF 330.–

Notre Patrie en danger, 2x non aux initiatives mortelles du GSsA

1993 – Pierre-André JACOT

CHF 330.–

Popular vote on the 6th of June 1993.

One poster against and one for the aquisition of FA-18 fighter jets for the Swiss Air-Force.

Oui à l'initiative contre les F/A -18, Oui à l'initiative toutes citoyennes, tous citoyens

1993 – Tom TIRABOSCO



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PROPAGANDA - Soviet Posters

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The object poster Sachplakat

Genève, 18e Salon International, Automobile, Moto, CycleGenève, 30ème Salon International de l'Auto, 1960Genève, 39e Salon de l'Automobile, Mars 1969

Le Salon de l'auto Genève

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Geneva vintage posters

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Swiss Poster Award

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General Dynamics

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