The very first car show was held in Geneva in 1905 as an initiative of M. Jules Mégevet president of Swiss syndical Chamber of automobiles and M. Charles – Louis Empeyta, vice – president of ACS (Automobile Club Switzerland).
This car show consisted of 59 exhibitors, attracting 13 000 visitors, 2000 worldwide press agents, pioneer technicians, commercial directors of numerous car brands and industries, constructors, importers and commercial managers.
In 1924, the Geneva Car Show became international thanks to various contributing factors such as: the liberty of competition, the absence of a dominant national industry of passenger cars, as well as its human dimension (attractive, instructive and comfortable ambience).
Finally, the most effective factor that strengthened the international profile of the Geneva Car Show, was the perception of Geneva as a neutral ground. This trait rendered Geneva as a worldwide gathering point for the demonstration of technical achievements and constructions.
Various famous Swiss artists such as Jules Courvoisier, Noel Fontanet, Herbert Leupin, Donald Brun and Edi Hauri, have created posters in order to publicize the Geneva Car Show.
Most of the posters evoke a dynamism and movement via the typography and the implementation of vivid colors as well as the integration of the text into the image. This selection of Geneva Car Show posters, reflect various artistic styles: the “Basel School”, “Avant Garde”, and “Ultra – Realism”.
Worth noticing that the prevailing connoting message of Geneva Car Show posters of the 70’s , is the notion that the car is a necessary and practical tool that makes our life easier and comfortable.