PROPAGANDA - 120 ans d'affiches de politique suisse
The numerous subjects illustrated in our posters reflect the great upheavals of the 20th century and also more modern aspects such as taxes and immigration.
Votez OUI, Pour le bien du pays
1933 – Willy JORDAN
CHF 470.–
The democratic and federalist Swiss system of referendums which takes place several times a year, produces a multitude of posters.
Initiative de crise, avant la lettre
1935 – Charles L'EPLATTENIER
CHF 450.–
Genuine historical artifacts, these posters transmit their messages without any concession in strong graphic compositions and were important in their time.
Before 1914 propaganda posters were in general simple printed texts, statements without any graphic creation. These ’simple’ posters evidently cost less.
At that time illustrated political posters were rare.
> Women's right to vote posters
> Immigration and black sheep poster
The vote of 1898 which was to decide whether or not the Swiss Confederation could buy private railway companies, brought strong opposition.
Opponents in the canton of Vaud published one of the first illustrated Swiss political posters.
This poster is against the acquisition and was printed by conservatives and federalists. It presents a federal railway train (the future CFF), weighed down by 1 billion of debt and driven by two bears - the bear being the traditional symbol of the canton of Bern and federal power.
A woman in traditional dress from Vaud, confronts the train and clearly says No to the vote, in memory of the centenary of the independence of the canton of Vaud.
Souvenir de l'émancipation 1798 - 1898, Staats Bahnen
CHF 1140.–
Despite this poster, the voting population of the canton of Vaud, just as in the rest of Switzerland, voted FOR the nationalization of the Swiss railways on the 20th of February 1898.
‘Justice raises a people, Swiss citizens, the 23rd of October,
Vote Yes !’
This poster defends proportional representation against the first past the post system of the Conseil National.
This 1910 initiative was refused.
Gerechtigkeit erhöht ein Volk, am 23 Okt. stimmet Ja
1910 – Melchior ANNEN
CHF 1230.–
Proportional representation was finally accepted in 1918.
Impôt fédéral direct, votez non
1922 – Jules COURVOISIER
CHF 760.–
These social differences became more pronounced at the end of the war. The bourgeois minority became richer and the majority of the population became impoverished. The general strike of 1918 would leave a profound and lasting impression.
The economy was at pains to recreate employment and unemployment increased at an enormous rate. The 1929 crisis only worsened the situation in Switzerland.
This economic and social tension would continue between the two wars and the ensuing political campaigns were often virulent. The political posters of this time blatantly illustrated the extremity of the opposing passions.
Nein, Extrazulage an Arbeitslose
1928 – Ferdinand SCHOTT
CHF 680.–
< ‘No more supplementary benefits to the unemployed’
> 'Unemployment will drive the country to its ruin'.
Peuple Suisse, Le chômage conduit le pays à la ruine
1930 circa – Ernst RUPRECHT
CHF 830.–
Votez OUI, Pour le bien du pays
1933 – Willy JORDAN
CHF 470.–
'Vote Yes for the good of the country'.
A poster by Willy Jordan for austerity measures that had been outlined by the Conseil Fédéral to decrease state worker’s salaries by 7.5%.
A law which was massively rejected by referendum the 28th of May 1933.
It was a time of an impoverishment of the working class, of the general strike of 1918, of the creation of the communist party in 1921, of the economic crisis of 1929 and of street protests.
The left who denounced a capitalism that was bleeding the working classes to the profit of fascism, produced relatively few posters. Perhaps they didn't have the means.
Votez socialiste
1934 circa – ANONYMOUS
SoldSocialist Party posters against the lowering of working class salaries and against the benefits and corruption of the bosses.
Voter la liste ouvrière socialiste
1930 circa – ANONYMOUS
CHF 770.–
Liste 6 Sozialdemokraten, An die Urnen, Der Kurs geht nach links
1926 – Carl SCHERER
CHF 970.–
The theme of a boat’s helm or the steering wheel to govern the country better, was regularly used by both right and left wing parties.
Votez la liste socialiste, une Genève bien gouvernée
1931 – Hugues FONTANET, Noel FONTANET
CHF 1350.–
Confronting the left was the fear of communism and the fear of the affluent of losing their privileges.
Pour échapper au Bolchévisme, Tu voters les listes radicales
1925 circa – Louis VONLANTHEN
CHF 690.–
Anti-communist feelings grew and became the right’s main argument which it would exploit in all of its campaigns.
Le Paradis des Bolchewiki
SoldNON, Le Suisse revenant de Russie
1922 – DELUC
CHF 470.–
Après le Retour des Pèlerins de Moscou
1950 circa – ANONYMOUS
CHF 830.–
To counter a trade union lash back and revolutionary momentum, conservative parties printed striking posters which were often bloody and violent and which played on the fear installed by the Bolcheviks who were represented as assassins.
Citoyen, Tu voteras la liste Libérale
SoldArtists used strong themes in their imagery such as death, fire, and disorder - Clawed hands menacing towns and mad hoards of Bolcheviks invading streets.
Wählt, Liste 4 Bürgerpartei, Liste 3 Freisinnig
1925 – BIERI
CHF 970.–
Contre La Politique de la Rue Pour l'Ordre Démocratique, Protection de l'Ordre Public OUI
1934 – Emil CARDINAUX
CHF 1170.–
< In this poster, Emil Cardinaux opposes: chaos in the streets where protesters tramp on the Swiss flag, to calm serene crowds voting democratically by raising their hands.
> Neither this (communist left) neither that (Nazi right), but vote no.1 Radical Democrat (centre).
Anonymous electoral poster inciting to vote centre.
Weder So noch So, sondern Sammlung auf die mitte mit Liste 1
1938 – Fritz GROGG
CHF 770.–
To fight against the left, the bourgeois camp printed a great variety of posters against new taxes, against social measures which would ruin the country and against Stalin’s ‘servants’.
Oui contre le communisme
1937 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 970.–
Il est moins 5, Votez 2 fois NON contre les communistes
1953 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 870.–
Pour en finir avec le socialo-communisme, acceptez la loi interdisant le parti communiste
1937 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 930.–
The Genevan Noel Fontanet, fervent anti-communist, was certainly the most prolific and most virulent graphic artist of that time. His figures in the style of Ferdinand Hodler are confronted by communism in all its forms in their fight for liberty.
Green, the Rampart of democracy.
The color green of the radicals and the liberals opposed the red of the communists and of blood, also regularly used as the color of violence, danger and death.
Votez pour le Parti Radical, Rempart solide de la démocracie
1935 circa – C. FURER
CHF 670.–
Pour Briser la Chaîne, Votez la Liste Verte
1931 – MAIRE
CHF 770.–
Votez Radical, La chaîne du malheur doit-elle passer partout
1945 circa – Noel FONTANET
CHF 1270.–
Lausanne Rouge? Non, Assez! Votez la Liste Verte Radicale
1949 circa – ANONYMOUS
CHF 730.–
Vote oui pour la défense de nos libertés démocratiques!
1937 – Noel FONTANET
Travailleur si tu veux en sortir, vote Indépendant Chrétien Social
1936 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 850.–
The Great Crash of 1929, the effects of which would be felt for years to come, heightened conflict. The rise of the fascism of Mussolini in Italy gave ideas to certain politicians.
Anti-communism and anti-semitism were subjects that were debated in public places and certain
politicians ceased to hide their convictions and aired them openly.
Parties from the extreme right appeared in Switzerland, especially in Geneva with the creation of the ‘National Union Party by Georges Oltramare.
L'union Nationale
Que personne ne s'abstienne, Le pilori
1924 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 690.–
Géo Oltramare was a journalist, polemist, political orator, anti-communist and anti-semite. In 1923 he founded a newspaper called ‘The Pilori’ to express his ideas.
A poster against the socialist candidates Dicker, Pillonnel and Dufaux at the election of the Genevan judicial corps on the 4th of April 1924.
Adhérez à l'Union Nationale
1932 circa – NERI photo
< Géo Oltramare, admirer of Mussolini is clearly inspired by the ‘Duce’ look on this poster.
> Union National poster against the "trusts and the big bazar" companies, the commercial stores held by Israelite families.
Votez Union Nationale, Contre les trust et les grands bazars, Pour la défense du petit commerce
Posters designed by Noel Fontanet for the National Union:
Gare à l'infection... , Votez Union Nationale
1936 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 1070.–
Beware of the ‘communist infection’, one of the most well known slogans between the wars.
Oui contre le communisme, Pour en finir avec les pantins de moscou
1937 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 990.–
Léon Nicole president of the Genevan Communist Party and Jean Vincent general secretary of the same party are presented as Stalin’s puppets.
Votez pour l'union Nationale, Les rouges n'auront pas la clef de Genève
1933 circa – Noel FONTANET
< On this poster the socialists Léon Nicole and Jacques Dicker are swept away by the eagle and the key, both symbols of the Republic of Geneva.
> The people are reminded not to whip themselves with a communist whip and to vote for patriotic candidates.
Vous ne leur ferez pas cet affront, Patriote ! Vote avec discipline Entente Patriotique
1933 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 750.–
From then until now other movements would regularly occupy the place of the extreme right, anti-foreigner, xenophobic and racist parties.
Action Nationale contre le communisme, Votez oui
1937 – R. MEYER
< A 1937 poster for ‘National Action Against Communism’ which has a clear fascist message.
A young man, photographed from a low angle, looks towards the future against the background of a Swiss flag. The clear slogan is ‘Order and Liberty’.
On the 9th of November 1932 the Swiss army opened fire on communist protesters who were opposed to a National Union meeting. Outcome 13 dead 65 injured.
An historic poster for the renewed election of Frédéric Martin to government. He had called in the army on the 9th of November against communist protesters.
For the illustration on this poster, ‘Against the Revolution…’, Noel Fontanet presents a disarmed soldier being attacked by the protesters. It has been established that no soldiers were badly hurt.
His split open helmet is exactly the same as the one which was photographed by Max Kettel and published in the press at that time.
Contre la Révolution, Electeur ! souviens-toi du 9 novembre, Vote pour Fr. Martin
1933 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 1470.–
The 2nd of June 1935, the Swiss people voted on the ‘Referendum for the economic crisis edict’, launched by the socialists and the communists. This referendum aimed at blocking prices and salaries for a period of between 5 to 10 years to guarantee spending power and to guarantee unemployment benefit.
With this project the Confederation also had the right to decide measures in violation of the liberty of commerce and industry and to refuse referendums.
Le danger menace, Pour le conjurer votez NON le 2 Juin 1935
1935 – BIERI
CHF 1270.–
Chiefs of industry and conservatives began a particularly aggressive campaign against this referendum which directly attacked them.
They covered the country in all sorts of posters.
Votez NON, Initiative de crise
1935 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 570.–
On this well known poster by L’Eplattenier, with a Swiss flag in the background, the people proudly surround Guillaume Tell who holds up his crossbow and says ‘NO to the Referendum for the economic crisis edict’.
The text in German is even more explicit: ‘No to the red five year plan’, in reference to the Russian five year plans.
NON, Initiative de crise
1935 – Charles L'EPLATTENIER
CHF 780.–
Initiative de crise, avant la lettre
1935 – Charles L'EPLATTENIER
CHF 450.–
NEIN, Roter Fuenfjahrplan
1935 – Charles L'EPLATTENIER
CHF 750.–
Vermögensabgabe, Staatswirtschaft
1922 – Niklaus STOECKLIN
CHF 1640.–
In 1922 the Swiss voters refused, 7 to 1, the socialist initiative for a ‘direct tax on wealth’ superior to 80'000 Swiss francs.
The conservators and the agricultural sector were strongly opposed and printed a large number of posters to say so.
The tax office takes on the shape of a hungry spider that attacks the respectable citizen.
Si la loi passe, contrôle de l'Etat, Votez: NON
1922 – Edouard ELZINGRE
CHF 410.–
Les 3 étapes, Votez NON
1922 – Jules COURVOISIER
SoldFonctionnaires, Votez: NON!
1922 – Edouard ELZINGRE
CHF 390.–
To mobilize the agricultural sector, several artists made historical references to Arnold de Melchtal’s cows, a Swiss mythical hero who stopped the bailiff taking his cows away.
Votez NON, Le prélèvement en nature
1922 – Jules COURVOISIER
CHF 930.–
Non à la confiscation de la propriété
1922 – Charles Edouard GOGLER
CHF 1190.–
NewLe prélèvement en nature, Votez. NON!
1922 – Edouard ELZINGRE
CHF 450.–
Impôt fédéral direct, votez non
1922 – Jules COURVOISIER
CHF 760.–
Votation contre l'impôt fédéral direct
1922 – Emil CARDINAUX
SoldIndustries suisses, NON à la confiscation des fortunes
1922 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 930.–
NewNON, Platten a dit
CHF 270.–
Confiscation fédérale de la propriété, votation sur l'impôt sur la fortune
CHF 120.–
‘Never has a referendum aroused such intense propaganda, to the point that the affluent were afraid of losing their privileges’. (ref: Aux urnes citoyens).
Two of the rare posters that support direct federal taxes.
Impôt Fédéral Direct, Oui !
1918 – Hugo LAUBI
SoldThis poster by Hugo Laubi was printed to be distributed over the whole country, but it was censored in several towns.
Vermögensabgabe Ja!
1922 – Jozsef DIVEKY
CHF 650.–
Rat and Skull images against taxes.
Assez de rongeurs, Fisc, Votez NON
1935 circa – Noel FONTANET
The tax office and new taxes were always a menace.
Two striking posters by Noel Fontanet against Genevan taxes.
25% sur les droits de successions, Votez non contre le projet socialiste
1929 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 870.–
OUI, une économie prospère un peuple heureux
1954 – VSLB (Verband Schweizer Lithographie-Besitzer)
CHF 530.–
The fiscal climate became more relaxed with the prosperity of the 1950’s and the economic boom of the following decades.
The length of working time was a source of numerous conflicts, debates and referendums.
In 1923 the left launched a referendum against the repeal by the government which limited a working week to 48 hours.
The referendum was accepted on the 17th of February 1924 and the 48 hours limit stayed in effect until the end of the 1960’s.
Ja, Fabrikgesetz Art.41
1924 – Fred STAUFFER
CHF 880.–
Travailleurs votez NON
1924 – Emile SANSONNENS
SoldNein, Arbeitszeitverlängerung
1924 – Florentin MOLL
CHF 630.–
The right to have public holidays, working on Sundays, or the opening of shops on the same day, has resulted in several referendums in the canton of Geneva.
NON aux manoeuvres communistes pour les jours fériés
1934 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 450.–
Non à la loi sur le travail, votez 2x Oui à l'initiative "La Suisse et l'emploi"
1996 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 330.–
Le 27 novembre, votez NON au travail du dimanche
2005 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
It needed fifty or so cantonal referendums and two federal referendums of 1959 and 1971, to get there.
These referendums provoked strong opposition from masculine voters and conservatives. Numerous posters against women’s right to vote were printed.
In these posters against the women’s right to vote, the role of women is clearly limited to staying at home and looking after the children.
Vote des femmes, Votez non, pas de bisbilles politiques dans les foyers
1946 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 1730.–
If women had the right to vote…….
She would leave the house in a mess which would only lead to arguments, such as is clearly suggested in this poster by Noel Fontanet.
Non au suffrage féminin
1946 – Donald BRUN
SoldIf women had the right to vote…..
Children would become dirty and left to themselves.
A hyper realist poster showing a dummy abandoned and left to the flies.
A surprising poster by Donald Brun, who normally was an illustrator who dealt with the child’s world in a more sympathetic way.
Si vous ne voulez pas ça ! Votez non contre le suffrage féminin
1953 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 670.–
If women had the right to vote……
She would not be able to decide between the yellows, the reds, the greens or the purples.
'Politics has already divided men, don't be divided. Vote no to women's right to vote'.
La politique a déjà divisé les hommes, ne nous divisez pas, Votez non au suffrage féminin
CHF 970.–
Votez NON, La femme ne doit pas être la proie des partis!
1960 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 690.–
If women had the right to vote….
She would be pray to the parties.
In these posters against women’s right to vote, women were infantilized and restricted in their role to mothers at home.
Why be more feminist than women?
Confédérés! le peuple suisse a rejeté le suffrage féminin. Ouvriers, employés! faites comme lui! votez non
1960 – Romain CHAMMARTIN
CHF 630.–
Suffrage féminin, Non, pourquoi être plus féministe ...
1948 circa – André CLOSSET
CHF 990.–
Suffrage féminin, Votez Non, Union pour la défense des intérêts paysans
1953 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 990.–
Yes to women’s right to vote
Frauenstimmrecht Ja, gleiche pflicht, gleiches Recht
1946 – Hans ERNI
SoldIn all of the referendums on women’s right to vote to the end of the 40’s, it is striking to realize that there are very few posters FOR the women’s right to vote.
We can deduce that conservative masculine forces spend much more in order to persuade the public to vote against.
From the 50’s, society evolved and cantons encouraged the public to vote for women’s right to vote and this was finally realized at the federal level in 1971.
Femmes, pensez à vos responsabilités, Votez Oui, Ass suisse pour le suffrage féminin
1952 – Jacques COURVOISIER
SoldPour le suffrage féminin
SoldOUI les 6 et 7 juin avec le Parti du Travail
CHF 960.–
NON, Nouvelle loi sur la concurrence déloyale
CHF 890.–
Rules on free commerce, price control, monopolies through different subventions and economic international trade agreements, provoked numerous debates and referendums via propaganda in posters.
Industries suisses, NON à la confiscation des fortunes
1922 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 930.–
NewVotez non contre l'ouverture des succursales Migros à Genève
1945 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 290.–
Stop der Teuerung
1955 – Rene GILSI
CHF 780.–
JA, Gutes Brot, biliges Brot, gesichertes Brot
1956 – Celestino PIATTI
SoldOui au FMI
CHF 330.–
À qui profite l'implantation Suisse au Brésil
1980 circa – ANONYMOUS
CHF 430.–
Ils ont toujours soutenu le vignoble et la campagne. On reste avec eux, Les Radicaux Vaudois
1935 – F. C., MONOGRAM
CHF 960.–
Radical, A bonne semence bonne récolte
1945 circa – ANONYMOUS
CHF 580.–
Votez la liste Radicale
CHF 990.–
Votez pour le Parti Radical, Rempart solide de la démocracie
1935 circa – C. FURER
CHF 670.–
Votez Radical veveysan, pour être bien gouvernés
1935 circa – ANONYMOUS
CHF 510.–
Ni à Gauche, Ni à droite, en avant avec le Parti Radical
1935 circa – C. FURER
CHF 730.–
Votez Radical, La chaîne du malheur doit-elle passer partout
1945 circa – Noel FONTANET
CHF 1270.–
Parti Radical, Refusez l'initiative communiste! Votez NON
1955 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 490.–
Votez Radical, Des Hommes! Des actes!
1953 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 780.–
Votez Radical, Ils défendront Genève à Berne
1967 – Atelier MASMEJAN
CHF 250.–
Parti Libéral, Citoyens votez la liste Libérale démocratique
1931 – Percival PERNET
CHF 1130.–
A bas le mur des illusions, Votez Libéral
1947 – Noel FONTANET
CHF 790.–
Votez Libéral, Pour la défense de nos libertés
1950 circa – Noel FONTANET
CHF 650.–
Votez la liste Liberale
1940 circa – MEYLAN
CHF 890.–
Citoyen, Tu voteras la liste Libérale
Wählt Freisinnig, Geradeaus
1930 circa – SOWISO
SoldIn the years preceding the Second World War, the Parti Radical Démocratic, in German 'Freisinnig Demokratische Partei', distanced itself, especially in Zurich, from extreme right movements who wanted Switzerland to adapt to the new Europe.
Wählt Freisinnig
1930 circa – SOWISO
CHF 560.–
CHF 970.–
< This poster from 1939 attests this wish to stay neutral. An anonymous soldier wearing a Swiss army helmet and armed with a sword and shield, is the rampart of Swiss tradition and neutrality.
> This poster by Rolf Gfeller for a political campaign of the FDP party, (Freissinnig Demokratische Partei), praises the assets of a 'solid and free democracy, against defeatism and political indifference, against state socialism and communism'.
Wählt freisinnig, Für eine starke freie Demokratie
1950 circa – Rolf GFELLER
CHF 590.–
Allez Genève, avec le parti du travail à Berne
1975 circa – Charles AFFOLTER
CHF 430.–
Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund, Solidarität
1986 – Simone TORELLI
SoldCortège du Premier Mai, 100 ans de lutte
1990 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 390.–
Nouvelle majorité, nouvelles perspectives, Votez Parti du Travail
1989 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 490.–
Quelle Solution ? Votez Parti du Travail
1989 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 470.–
Maintenons les acquis, Préparons l'avenir, Parti du Travail
1991 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 330.–
NON au piège du Projet de Loi Constitutionnelle
1998 circa – Claude LUYET
CHF 40.–
Ça peut changer, Votez Alliance de Gauche, Liste numéro 4
2000 circa – ALOYS
CHF 175.–
Nos postes valent bien un oui
1953 – Peter BIRKHAUSER
CHF 640.–
Several referendums have been had on civil service status and public services.
Non à la loi patronale contre la fonction publique
1989 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 630.–
Exem and Claude Luyet for the protection of civil servants.
NON à la loi patronale
1989 – Claude LUYET
CHF 580.–
Oui à un effort partagé
1992 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 370.–
Le service public à la casse, Non à la loi sur le personnel fédéral
2000 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 390.–
Votez Non à la suppression de la nomination
2002 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 290.–
NEIN, Neue Versorgungs Paläste und wer zahlt?
CHF 730.–
16 new detention centers, and who pays for them?
Economies that depend on primary school teachers and invalidity benefits.
On the other hand, more money for criminals and swindlers.
The Swiss penal code is driving us to it.
Vote NO!
A referendum against the first Swiss penal code, which among other things, wanted to abolish the death penalty for the advancement of an educative prison system.
NON à la révision de la loi d'organisation judiciaire
1990 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 330.–
Tables de la loi selon Blocher, Votez 2x NON
2006 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 70.–
Ein zweites JA, Wiedervereinigungsinitiative, Gemeinsamer Verfassungsrat
1938 – Niklaus STOECKLIN
CHF 530.–
Vote YES to the referendum for the reunification of the two half cantons of Basel.
After years of combat, the creation of the canton of Jura was accepted by the Swiss population on the 24th of September 1978.
Jura mon pays, Groupe Belier
1975 circa – ANONYMOUS
SoldOUI, Parti Radical
1978 – Atelier MASMEJAN
CHF 390.–
Oui au canton du Jura
CHF 330.–
Bell Schlachthaus Ja!
1926 – Niklaus STOECKLIN
CHF 790.–
A poster by Nicklaus Stoecklin calling the population of Basel to vote YES to the construction of slaughter-house for ‘Bell’ butchers.
Votez NON à la destruction de la promenade de l'observatoire
1981 – ALOYS
CHF 370.–
The painter and graphic artist Alois has several times opposed plans for destructions or reconstructions in the city of Geneva.
NON à un Hôtel*****, Wilson et le lac pour tous
1990 – ALOYS
CHF 530.–
Bénéfices immobiliers, Oui à la justice fiscale
1998 – Helge REUMANN
CHF 290.–
Reumann and Exem against speculation in the construction industry.
Locataires ne vous laissez plus étouffer, Oui à la loi contre la spéculation foncière
2000 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 530.–
In 1986, the city of Geneva took the decision to destroy the old Art Deco outdoor baths in Paquis.
A celebrated poster by Exem which shows a giant octopus tearing off a diving board from the Paquis baths.
This most definitely influenced the referendum result which ended in victory against the project in 1988.
For the last 30 years the Paquis outdoor baths have become a hip area on the Geneva lakeside. It is known throughout Europe.
Non à la destruction des Bains des Pâquis
1988 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
SoldNON à la démolition des Bains des Pâquis
1988 – Daniel SUTER
Bal aux Bains, Samedi 20 mai 1989, Bains des Pâquis
1989 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
Non aux musées payants
1997 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 390.–
2 posters by the Geneva graphic designer Exem, Emanuel Excoffier, inspired by the ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘Tintin and the Broken Ear’, in the support of the museums of Geneva.
Nouveau musée d'Ethnographie, Oui
2001 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 470.–
Mise à mort de Saint-Gervais, Non à la culture au front de taureau
2009 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 280.–
OUI au projet de loi "Sauvons l'Alhambra"
1995 – Georges SCHWIZGEBEL
CHF 370.–
The ‘Union Démocratique du Centre (UDC) and other extreme right movements launched several xenophobic referendums which have created much polemic.
Vigilance, La Suisse à vendre aux plus offrants, Oui pour sauver notre sol
1981 – Pierre-André JACOT
CHF 570.–
< A poster by Tell Jacot for the referendum launched by the extreme right party, ‘L’Action National’, against the right of foreigners to establish themselves in Switzerland. It was named, ‘the referendum against the selling off of national land’, and was rejected by the people on the 6th of June 1982.
> On the 5th of April 1987, the people and the cantons accepted by 67.3% to restrict the right to asylum.
Vigilance, Oui à la révision du droit d'asile, Tous les pays se protègent, la Suisse aussi,
CHF 470.–
Société des hôteliers de Genève, Votez non, l'initiative xénophobe du 4 décembre 1988
1988 – Eric BUCHE
CHF 360.–
Vote NO, against the xenophobic referendum, ‘For the limitation of immigration’. This referendum was rejected by the people on the 4th of December 1988.
Helge Reuman, for diversity, against the popular referendum ‘Against clandestine immigration’, which was rejected by the people on the 1st of December 1996.
Immigration pourquoi tant de haine, Non a une initiative simpliste et trompeuse
1996 – Helge REUMANN
CHF 290.–
NON aux mesures de contrainte
1994 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 375.–
In 1994 a vote was taken on restrictive measures aimed at hardening the conditions of administrative detention before the transit of asylum seekers who’s request had been refused.
The project was accepted and conditions were hardened. The vote took place on the 18th of March 1994.
A superb poster by Exem who reinterprets an image from ‘Tintin le Lotus Bleu’. It was printed in two sizes.
Non aux mesures de contrainte
1994 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
SoldOui à la libre circulation
2000 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
CHF 430.–
The Geneva artist Exem used his style called ‘clear line’ to design several magnificent posters which opposed these xenophobic referendums.
Non au seuil d'intolérance, votez non à l'initiative xénophobe des 18%
2000 – EXEM, Emmanuel EXCOFFIER
In 2007 the Swiss UDC party, the Union Démocratique du Centre, published a poster which created much national and international discord:
The Black Sheep posters, ‘For More security’.
UDC, Pour plus de sécurité
2007 – Alexander SEGERT
SoldDuring the following years the theme of the black sheep was reused several times by this party.
> In reaction, the humorous artist Mix & Remix, designed this poster, ‘Sheep vote for the UDC’.
Les moutons votent UDC
2011 – MIX & REMIX
CHF 275.–
Soutenez Blocher, Votez UDC
CHF 350.–
Stop, Oui à l'interdiction des minarets
2009 – Alexander SEGERT
CHF 1800.–
Please visit the other pages of the ‘PROPAGANDA’ exhibition
> 120 years of International Propaganda Posters