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Année d'impression

Fly TWA Constellation


CHF 35.–

KLM - El mundo entero, a su alcance volando por KLM, Lineas aereas Holandesas.

circa 1948 – Joop VAN HEUSDEN

CHF 1470.–

KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines

circa 1948 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 65.–

TWA Aircargo

circa 1949 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 18.–


Air France, Corse

1949 – ERIC

CHF 940.–

TWA international Air Parcel Post sticker

circa 1949 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 10.–

Iberia - Fly with Iberia, The Air Lines of Spain, El Prado

circa 1950 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 970.–

AOA, USA American Overseas Airlines

circa 1950 – Georges HIM, Jan LEWITT

CHF 800.–

Air France, Proche Orient

1950 – Jean EVEN

Prix sur demande

Fiesta de Toros, Iberia

circa 1950 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 360.–

Air France - le plus grand réseau du monde

circa 1950 – R. BONNAFOUX

CHF 58.–

Air France - le plus grand réseau du monde

circa 1950 – R. BONNAFOUX

CHF 58.–

Air France

circa 1950 – R. BONNAFOUX

CHF 46.–

KLM, Royal Dutch Airlines

circa 1950 – Jean STREBELLE

CHF 870.–

TWA, Arizona

1951 – Austin BUGES

CHF 850.–

Air France Zodiaque

1951 – Lucien BOUCHER

CHF 690.–

Calendrier Trans World Airlines, Switzerland... the Matterhorn

1951 – William SUMITS

CHF 230.–

Calendrier Trans World Airlines, England... houses of parliament

1951 – William SUMITS

CHF 230.–

Calendrier Trans World Airlines, Arizona...Oak Creek Canyon

1951 – William SUMITS

CHF 190.–

In flight with TWA, The Super Constellation


CHF 460.–

Air France

1952 – Lucien BOUCHER

CHF 760.–

Air France, Super Constellation Lockheed L-1049-C

1953 – Lucien BOUCHER

CHF 1530.–

TWA, Trans World Airlines, Northwest Orient Airlines, around the world

circa 1954 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 680.–

Calendrier Trans World Airlines, The Finest : TWA Super Constellation

1955 – William SUMITS

CHF 240.–


Calendrier Trans World Airlines, New Mexico : The Taos Indian Pueblo

1955 – William SUMITS

CHF 190.–


36 résultats