Stuhl aus Stahl, Stuhl aus Holz, Metallmöbel in Europa, KGMZH – Affiche ancienne – Jörg HAMBURGER, Siegfried ZINGG – 1981

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Affiche ancienne originale Stuhl aus Stahl, Stuhl aus Holz, Metallmöbel in Europa, KGMZH

Jörg HAMBURGER (Jorg) Siegfried ZINGG


CHF 430.–

Non entoilée

Ajouter au panier


128 x 90 cm
50 x 35 inch

Stuhl aus Stahl, Stuhl aus Holz, Metallmöbel in Europa 1925 bis 1940 & Stuhl aus Holz, Bugholzmöbel aus Wien 1840 bis 1910, KunstGewerbeMuseum Zürich, 1981.

Exposition "Chaise en acier, Chaise en bois" au musée du design à Zürich.

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Our work consists in safekeeping the artistic heritage of advertising that we consider as a sociological trace of the twentieth century civilization. Our restoration studio proposes unique know-how in the conservation of old paper, of museum mounting and restoration of vintage poster. If you have an original old poster, Galerie 1 2 3 Studio is at your service.

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The posters we propose are veritable pieces of historic heritage, which have a collector’s value. We offer a service of authenticity and original vintage poster certification and propose detailed condition reports including an Official Certificate of authenticity.

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