St.Moritz les bains, second edition – Affiche ancienne – Martin PEIKERT – 1958 Vendu

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Affiche ancienne originale St.Moritz les bains, second edition



102 x 64 cm
40 x 25 inch

En 1950, le graphiste suisse Martin Peikert crée une affiche gaie, lumineuse et vibrante pour la promotion de St. Moritz et de ses thermes. L'affiche connaît un tel succès que l'Office du tourisme de St. Moritz en commande une deuxième édition en 1958.

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Our work consists in safekeeping the artistic heritage of advertising that we consider as a sociological trace of the twentieth century civilization. Our restoration studio proposes unique know-how in the conservation of old paper, of museum mounting and restoration of vintage poster. If you have an original old poster, Galerie 1 2 3 Studio is at your service.

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The posters we propose are veritable pieces of historic heritage, which have a collector’s value. We offer a service of authenticity and original vintage poster certification and propose detailed condition reports including an Official Certificate of authenticity.

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