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Year of printing

Diplôme, Société de Gymnastique d'hommes de Lausanne

circa 1910 – Fortuné BOVARD

CHF 60.–

Basler Kunstler, Kunsthalle Basel

1910 – Burkhard MANGOLD

CHF 1480.–

Le Porte-Bonheur, Quinquina

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 420.–

Axelrod's Kefir

1910 – Hermann ABEGG

CHF 1270.–

Zähringer Bock, Fribourg, Brasserie du Cardinal

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1270.–

Bitter des Diablerets

circa 1910 – Frederic ROUGE

CHF 1630.–

Diablerets, Bitter des Diablerets, Apéritif sain, 2ème édition

circa 1910 – Frederic ROUGE

CHF 1830.–

La chanson du 1er juin, Genève

circa 1910 – Henry-Claudius FORESTIER

CHF 270.–

Société suisse d'ameublements

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1150.–

Versandhaus Hermann Scherrer München, St.Gallen

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1480.–

Cigares, Cigarettes et Tabacs QRL

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 940.–

Hôtel de la Paix, Lausanne

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 85.–

Gr. Hotel Europe, Lugano

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 28.–

Svizzera, Il Sempione

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1540.–

Jubiläums- Ausstellung für Backerei, conditorei, und verwandte Gewerbe in Basel, 1910

1910 – Burkhard MANGOLD

CHF 2350.–

La Chanson du 1er Juin

1910 – Henry-Claudius FORESTIER

CHF 250.–

Berner Oberland Wengernalp-Bahn

circa 1910 – Anton RECKZIEGEL

CHF 2360.–

Longines, supérieure à toutes

circa 1910 – MARCUS

CHF 4350.–


Col des Roches, chemins de fer Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée, Jura Neuchâtelois

circa 1910 – A. GUGGER

CHF 1290.–

Rigi-Bahn, Luzern - Vitznau - Rigi-Kulm

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1290.–

Zug Berg-u. Stassenbahn

1910 – Walther KOCH

CHF 1860.–

Sanatorio del Gottardo, Ambri - Piotta (canton Ticino)

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1500.–

Martigny- Orsières, Chemin de Fer

1910 – Albert MURET

CHF 5650.–

la Chaux-de-Fonds, Inauguration de monument de la République

1910 – Charles L'EPLATTENIER

CHF 980.–

Brunnen-Morschach, Elektrische Bahn, via Axenfels & Axenstein

circa 1910 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 1450.–

4,452 results