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Year of printing

Gemini XII, Agena rendez-vous

1969 – NASA

CHF 260.–

Apollo IX, Scott at work filmed by Schweickart

1969 – NASA

CHF 300.–

Apollo IX, Lem head down towards the earth

1969 – NASA

CHF 270.–

Apollo XI, Astronaut Aldrin descends LM ladder toward lunar surface

1969 – NASA

CHF 430.–

Apollo VI, East Coast, Georgia

1969 – NASA

CHF 170.–

Apollo VIII, Western Hemisphere

1969 – NASA

CHF 290.–

Apollo XI, astronaut Edwin Aldrin Jr. is photographed walking by astronaut Neil A. Armstrong

1969 – NASA

CHF 430.–

Apollo XI, Most of Africa and portions of Europe and Asia can be seen in this spectacular photograph taken from the Apollo 11

1969 – NASA

CHF 270.–

Apollo X, photo taken from the Lem

1969 – NASA

CHF 270.–

Apollo VII, the Saturne rocket photographed from Apollo VII

1969 – NASA

CHF 290.–

Gemini IV, Northern end of the Gulf of California

1969 – NASA

CHF 200.–

Apollo IV, Coastal Brazil, Atlantic Ocean

1969 – NASA

CHF 290.–

Courses hippiques nocturnes, Yverdon 1969

1969 – TONDINI

CHF 490.–

Noter candidat n'a trouvé place sur aucune liste - Ligue Marxiste Révolutionnaire


CHF 1090.–

Polar Expedition 1967, sponsored by Omega Speedmaster

circa 1969 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 320.–

Der Raum in der Amerikanischen Kunst 1948-1968, Kunsthaus, ZH, 1969

1969 – Walter DIETHELM

CHF 410.–

helmaus zürich, Phantastische Figuration

1969 – Walter DIETHELM

CHF 330.–

Zadkine, La taille douce

1969 – Ossip ZADKINE

CHF 210.–

Alechinsky, La taille douce

1969 – Pierre ALECHINSKY

CHF 230.–

Genève 1969, Nouvelle gravure américaine

1969 – Gérard DUCIMETIERE

CHF 340.–

High Fashion Reinigung Henzel

1969 – Wilhelm.S. EBERLE

CHF 1000.–

Bière Cardinal, Moment d'amitié

circa 1969 – Gabriel & Anne HUMAIR

CHF 470.–

Compagnie Transatlantique, Calendrier perpétuel

1969 – R. BOUVARD

CHF 490.–

Jazzfest New Orleans, Louisiana, the Good Time State


Price upon request

Italiensk Kunst 1910 - 1935, Louisiana

1969 – Giorgio DE CHIRICO (after)

CHF 430.–

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