PUBLIVOX (Création Publivox, Genève)
Publivox (ca 1920 - ca 1940) was an advertising company that created and published numerous posters, especially between the two wars. The posters were intended for a commercial clientele (industrialists) and were directly inspired by the principles used by poster artists in France or Italy (single subject, bright and contrasting colours). Publivox often called on foreign artists, notably Sepo (Severo Pozzati) who collaborated a lot with the agency (Picon poster).

Osterbier & Bockbier, der Actienbrauerei Basel
CHF 460.–

Persil, Für Wolle
circa 1930
CHF 530.–
Fromage Gruyemaa, mon chef d'oeuvre
circa 1930
CHF 990.–

Lausanne, TSF Leyvraz-Genton
circa 1930
CHF 1360.–

Le Stimulant, Apéritif au Vin et Quinquina
circa 1930
CHF 2550.–

Persil, Pour la laine
CHF 670.–
Persil, Per lanerie
CHF 670.–

PER, Pour l'aluminium
CHF 990.–

Per für Aluminium
CHF 990.–

Northstate Cigarettes
circa 1932
CHF 1160.–

Persil, pour la laine
circa 1935
CHF 530.–

Persil, Per Lanerie
circa 1935
CHF 530.–

Persil, für Wolle
circa 1935
CHF 330.–

Teinturerie de Morat S.A., Nettoyage chimique
circa 1935
CHF 940.–

Magnésie St. Pellegrino, au retour du printemps
circa 1935
CHF 640.–

circa 1935
CHF 1320.–

National 30 et 60, Le nouveau tabac à fumer
circa 1935
CHF 430.–

Hermès, la Machine Suisse
CHF 1170.–

Paillard, la marque suisse, agent pour la Tunisie
CHF 2420.–

Madéhn Vert, Nikotinarm
CHF 1340.–

Marga, Schuhcreme
circa 1940
CHF 970.–

Madéhn Vert, Faible en nicotine
CHF 1340.–