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Année d'impression

Olympic Music Hall


CHF 1130.–

The Northfleet Cycle

circa 1895 – Dudley HARDY

CHF 590.–

Chemins de fer de l'Ouest, voyages à prix réduits, Normandie Bretagne et Ile de Jersey.

circa 1895 – Gustave FRAIPONT

CHF 850.–


circa 1895 – John HASSAL

CHF 1140.–

The Gay Grisette

circa 1895 – John HASSAL

CHF 880.–

PL. 48 The Chieftain, Savoy Theatre

1896 – Dudley HARDY

CHF 90.–

PL. 16 Harper's Magazine

1896 – James Pryde & William Nicholson BEGGARSTAFF

CHF 330.–

PL. 3 Daly's Theatre, An Artist's Model

1896 – Julius Price

CHF 190.–

PL. 81 Pan a Journal of Satire

1897 – Jules CHERET

CHF 130.–

Who is this? See Today

1897 – FOREST

CHF 880.–

Tommy Dodd, Globe Theatre

1898 – Dudley HARDY

CHF 980.–

The Dome

1898 – Gordon GRAIG

CHF 1720.–

The Poster, an illustrated monthly chronicle

1899 – Mosnar YENDIS

CHF 1480.–

The Gay Grisette, Babette and Lulu

circa 1900 – Albert MORROW

CHF 880.–

The New Mephisto, The Three Goey Widows

circa 1900 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 880.–

Chemins de Fer de l'Ouest et de Brighton

circa 1900 – René PÉAN

CHF 870.–

London & South Western Railway and the Havre-Rouen Steamship Coy

circa 1900 – Abel BRUN

CHF 1160.–

An Artist's Model

circa 1900 – Julius Price

CHF 500.–

Lyceum, Madame Sans-Gêne

circa 1900 – Bernard PARTRIDGE

CHF 880.–

Blue Beard

circa 1900 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 880.–

The celebrated 4 Herberts

circa 1900 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 880.–

Cecile and François

circa 1900 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 350.–

The Four Poppies

circa 1900 – ANONYMOUS

CHF 490.–

The 40 Thieves, Drury Lane

circa 1900 – MONOGRAM

CHF 880.–

Lady's Realm

circa 1900 – Fred HYLAND

CHF 870.–

136 résultats