

(1901 – 1975)

Martin Peikert is a Swiss graphic designer. He was trained at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Geneva, from which he graduated in 1921. There he made his first advertising drawings so much he felt called by this field. Peikert found his first job at the famous advertising house Propaganda where he created ads, frames and advertising leaflets. After several stays in Germany and Paris, he returned to Switzerland in 1923 where he was hired by Orell Füssli in Zurich. His work is countless: covers, titles, advertisements, commercials.
In 1927, Peikert opened his own workshop in Zug. He received his first orders for tourist posters, especially for Graubünden, a place that is close to his heart, being the Peikert family's holidays destination.
In 1929, he met his first wife, whom appeared several times in his works. Brunette or blonde, in a bathing suit or an evening dress, she became the muse of his posters at that time.
In 1939, after his divorce, he remarried and moved to the canton of Vaud, in Lonay near Lausanne.
Peikert designed many posters celebrating the area: Villars, Les Diablerets but also the Valais with Montana or Champéry, without forgetting the Bernese Oberland. The use of bright, vivid and contrasting colours in his posters praised his love of nature and the mountains.

Include sold items

Journées Suisses des SousOfficiers à Zoug


CHF 940.–

Sbrinz, Der schweizerische Reibkäse


CHF 1440.–

Schweizerhof, Bern

circa 1935

CHF 35.–

Berner Oberland-Bahnen


CHF 670.–

La Gruyère


CHF 1760.–

Pontresina, Engadine

circa 1940

CHF 1560.–

La Gruyère


CHF 3260.–

Schuls Tarasp Vulpera Bad, Engadin Schweiz


CHF 1370.–

Engrais Martigny


CHF 490.–

Les Diablerets, Chemin de fer Aigle Sépey Diablerets, first edition


Price upon request

Pontresina, Switzerland


CHF 1240.–

Pontresina, Engadine

circa 1950

CHF 1320.–

Pontresina, Switzerland


CHF 1770.–



CHF 2960.–

Chemin de fer Bière - Apples - Morges, BAM

circa 1955

CHF 830.–

MOB, Montreux Oberland Bernois


CHF 7460.–

Scuol, Tarasp, Vulpera, Das Alpine Heilbad, Engadin, Switzerland


CHF 1870.–

Les Diablerets 1200-3000 m

circa 1964

CHF 1960.–